Hey Guys:
The light rig for opening shots are already exported into the address: assets/lights/09.0_lights/09.0_lights.proj
There are two files, one for the environment, one for Gus. which are:
So to use the Light Rig, just import those two files into your lighting shot.
and here is the light link information:
1.RenderManEnvLight1 linked to all the objects used for emit Diffuse
2.RenderManEnvLight2 linked to all the objects used for emit Spec
3.skyLight linked only to the sky plane used for light up the sky image plane
4.groudKeyBlueLight/groudKeyYellowLight linked to the cliff used for light up the snow cliff, both only emit diffuse, and only yellow one have shadow
5.groundKeySpecLight linked to the cliff used for light up the spec component of the snow, only emit spec
6.groundAdditionalKeyLight linked to the cliff used for add additional brightness to foreground in order to create sense to depth and layer for shot09(you may not need this light in your shot, if not, just hide it)
1.gusKeyLight linked to gus/sled
2.gusKeySpecLight linked to gus/sled give the charactor a soft spec highlight instead of a round spec highlight (thats why i used area light instead of spot light)
3.gusFillLight linked to gus/sled used for light up the sky image plane
4.gusBackLight linked to gus/sled you may need to move this light for your own shot
5.gusBackSpec linked to gus/sled give Gus a soft spec highlight on the back side of the helmet. you may not need this light in your shot.
6.gusBounce linked to gus/sled but UNLINKED from the eyes
I putted the rigs into shot03 for a test, and here is the rendered image:
this is a rendered frame form shot9, which can be taken as the color reference.
You can see, it doesn't really match the shot but it still gives you a OK start for lighting.
Hope this helps! and just ask me if you have any question about the rig : )